I've been interested in photography since childhood, but really got hooked in 2007. Thinking with light, time, and space continues to inspire.
My initial interest was fostered by nature photography (birds and macro), but I became increasingly immersed in landscape photography, via books by David Ward and others. A roll of 35mm Velvia 50 in my dad’s Canon A-1 finally brought me to slide film and then large-format in 2016, and I’m not looking back.
Since 2019 I’ve been trying to concentrate on 10x8 film with a rather fabulous Chamonix 810V and four lenses. I also have a Linhof Technikardan S45 5x4, alongside other medium-format and 35mm cameras; I'm increasingly finding that 35mm complements large-format work nicely.

While I enjoy the classic traditions of the epic landscape, I’m much more interested now in exploring the relation between photographer and concepts of space and time: as seen on the ground glass, as experienced in the environment and in photographic processes and techniques, and as absorbed by viewers.
I use an Epson V850 to scan my home-developed 10x8 sheets for online presentation and digital printing, but I'm also interested in traditional processes – not as foolishly nostalgic ends in themselves but as an exploration of self-expression, craft, and photographic temporal consciousness.

In my day-job I’m a professional Classicist – Head of Department and Professor of Greek at the University of Warwick. My primary research interests are archaic and classical Greek lyric poetry and poetics, with an increasing focus on experiences of time, nature, and relationhood, via the experience of reading and the accessibility of literary/historical/mythological pasts.
Interest in the experience of time inevitably means that research and photography are converging...
I hope you enjoy the pages here showing my various projects and interests.
Please use the contact page if you would like to get in touch.