A series of images made at the sheltered fishing cove of Porth Meudwy, furthest North-West Wales.  
Unless otherwise stated, made with Linhof Technikardan S45 and Fuji Velvia 50 5x4 film.
A selection was previously shown in OnLandscape magazine.


(Fujinon SW 90 f/5.6)

White on Blue

(Nikkor-W 210)

Surf Pebbles 

(Nikon D800E, 85 PC-E tilt-shift)

Browns and Yellows

(Nikon D800E, 85 PC-E tilt-shift)

Blue Line

(Scheider Apo-Symmar MC 150)

Surf 1 

(Nikon D800E, 85 PC-E tilt-shift)

Five Pebbles

(Scheider Apo-Symmar MC 150)

Surf 2

(Nikon D800E, 85 PC-E tilt-shift)


(Scheider Apo-Symmar MC 150)

Blue Streak

(Nikkor-W 210)

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